Assistive Technology for people with Disibilities
Assistive Technology is designed to help or assist people with disabilities. According to IDEA 2004, assistive technology device refers to "any item, piece of equipment, or product system, weather acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability" (Section 602[1]).
What Types of Devices are used?
According to Bryant in the book "Assistive Technology for people with disabilities" there are seven types of devices that are used:
Placing someone in a comfortable position that provides the individual with the best posture. Assistive technology can for positioning can help individuals move around in their daily lives. Some of the areas it can be used in is moving from one place to another, sitting still, laying down or standing up. Physical and occupational therapist make the recommendation for what particular device should be used for an individual. Disabilities vary and it is important to keep in mind that having equipment that is confortahbe, accessible and function can provide an individual with access.
Movement is used daily for individuals with disabilities. From getting into a car to typing on a computer, there is equipment that can be used to help individuals with disabilities. The function of a mobility device can help individuals use a wheelchair or white cane to get around. Vehicle devices and electronic directional finding/mobility aids are used to provide an individual with disabilities access and individuality.
Argumentative and Alternative Communication:
Argumentative and alternative communication also known as (AAC) devices are used for any communication, verbal or nonverbal. Communication is important to have for individuality, getting your primary and secondary needs met and having a social life. It is important to have a functional communication device for that is best for the individual with disabilities. Speech therapist, doctors and families make the choice for the what comminication is best for an individual.
Computer Access:
Providing access for individuals with disabilities to use a computer. Computer access can be used to communicate with individuals, provide educational and occupational access. Technology is used for alternative keyboards, beams of light to activate or simulate a terminal or speak into a microphone to tell a computer what functions to imply. A simple form that most people are familiar with is siri on an iPhone. iPhone's by Apple inc. use siri to filter through devices on their phone, access can be provided though going on the internet, text-to-speach, and much more. There are more individuals with disabilities seeking computer access because it helps with communication.
Adaptive Toys:
Is is proven that cognitive development can be improved in the youth through adaptive play and adaptive toys allow individuals with disabilities to have access to increase their cognitive development. It also provides individuals to be included with social play, children learn through modeled behavior and adaptive toys allow children to connect with their peers.
Aids to Daily Living:
Aids to daily living are devices and approaches that allow a person to manipulate the environment to allow for daily living, working, schooling, playing and so forth. An example of this would be a remote used while watching the T.V. it provides people channel access without getting up out of their seat. people with disabilities use this to turn on and off lights, respond to a ring of a doorbell, adjust their beds and carry on a number of activities in their home, school or workplace.
Instructional Aides:
Are used to help educate in school or during employment training. Instructional aides also can be used during functional living skills training in an adults new home. Devices and adaptations are used to help compensate a person's functional limitations or technology that is used for remediation purposes.